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- About -

Digitality is a technological phenomenon which does not only permeate peoples life through media and communication but also presents itself as an increasingly important factor in the world of production and product design. In recent years digitality played important role in the generation and development of products and the globalization of labor. Now we are witnessing a revolution of the relationship between data and the material generation through design. At university we aim to prepare our students for future practice through teaching of structured thinking as well as through training of applied aesthetical and practical skills, basically the same way it has been done for generations. But what if digitality has moved the balance of power away from the monopolies towards the single design inventor and entrepreneur? Who else but design students could influence of the future through practicing a curriculum of innovation, experiment and failure? The 2017 Digital / Matters Conference aims to showcase design practice in an evolving world of data and material through the works of students from NCKU/Tainan/Taiwan and MuID/Kiel/Germany.

The Conference

- Projects -

Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design, Germany

Click the thumbnail to learn more project information 

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Click the thumbnail to learn more project information 


- Practitioner -

Project:Landscape of Oxidation

Landscape of Oxidation系列創作過程,從學生時期的專案到演變為商業品牌

Yen Chen Chang

YenChen Design Studio - Director

Yenchenyawen Design Studio - Designer


2014年畢業於英國皇家藝術學院,Design Products / 產品設計學系,同時擁有工業設計的背景,對於材料與製程與數位科技有濃厚的興趣。作品範圍從家飾品、傢俱、互動裝置到消費性的電子產品。

RCA畢業作品Project analogRead( Knitted Sensors)為結合傳統工藝與電子科技的應用,廣受歐洲媒體報導。

畢業後於Studio PostlerFerguson擔任產品設計師,設計與參與開發多項生活電子產品,客戶包含生活家飾品牌Puzhen與西班牙設計工作室Studio banana - 專案 Batband。

2015年與織品設計師周雅雯合作Landscape of Oxidation專注於生活家飾與情境的營造,並成立品牌Yenchenyawen Design Studio。

Yen Chen graduated from Design products at Royal College of Art in 2014. His interests cover from materials, traditional crafts, process of making and new technology. His RCA graduation project - analogRead( Knitted Sensors) challenges traditional computing interface with tactile knitted sensors. The project was featured on many well-known media, such as Dezeen, WIRED and engadget. Yen Chen had worked as a product designer at London-based design studio - PostlerFerguson, which he designed wearable techs and consumer electronic products for worldwide clients.
He founded Yenchenyawen Design Studio with textile designer Ya Wen Chou, delivering both their professions into creating artistic, contemporary homewares. 

Yenchenyawen design studio





- Schedule -

​May. 25

​May. 26

10:30~11:00 Opening

(Location: Ling Yang Lecture Hall (令洋廳), NCKU)

11:00~12:00 Design Practitioner Talk

(Location: Ling Yang Lecture Hall (令洋廳), NCKU)

12:00~13:00 Lunch Break

(Restaurants, bars & cafes available nearby. We will not provide lunch meals)


13:00~15:00 DesignProject Presentation/MUID

(Location: Ling Yang Lecture Hall (令洋廳), NCKU)

15:00~15:30 Tea Break 

(Location: Ling Yang Lecture Hall (令洋廳), NCKU)

15:30~17:30 DesignProject Presentation/NCKU 

(Location: Ling Yang Lecture Hall (令洋廳), NCKU)

18:00~20:00 Welcome Party/Team Up/Workshop Kickoff

(Location: Ling Yang Lecture Hall (令洋廳), NCKU)

10:00~15:00 Workshop

(Location: Tainan City)

15:00~17:00 Workshop Presentation  (10min/group)

(Location: Xun Hui Lecture Hall (迅慧講堂), NCKU)

17:00~19:00 Farewell Party​

(Location: Xun Hui Lecture Hall (迅慧講堂), NCKU)


- Conference Chairs -

Yuan-Chi Tseng

Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University

Min-Chun Hu

Computer Science and Information Engineering National Cheng Kung University

Hsu-Chan Kuo

Center of Teacher Education, National Cheng Kung University

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Martin Postler

Industrial Design, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design

Frank Jacob

Interface Design, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design

Annika Frye

Design Theory, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design

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- Location -

May. 25

Department of Electrical Engineering

B1  Ling Yang Lecture Hall (令洋廳)



May. 26

Department of Electrical Engineering

B1  Xun Hui Lecture Hall (迅慧講堂)

Digital Matters 2017. Photos


@ National Cheng Kung University, Tainan

May. 25-26

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